Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Open, No Fee Data

@glethan and I started this conversation last week #GeoChat. My question still remains, what protocols make data "open" in todays environment. I only ask the question because the @Arkansas_AGIO is working to be as open as possible. The target seems to be a bit vague, I think.

Data.gov provides data in csv, xml, kml, and shp. Does that make it open?
What about webservices?
Is providing access to the data for download make it open in todays geoweb environment?
Is OGC the answer to all of these questions?

Just curious

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rambling Thoughts

Just thinking out loud... I am sure it's crazy talk.

Several colleagues and I have been discussing this for quite sometime so I figure it's past time to get input. The premise is - Get out of the way! The topic is data.

As coordinators we work with numerous data providers. Inevitably we get rich data from locals, often attempt to standardize, publish out for consumption in a host of formats and services. We (AR GIO) have been repeating this process about 7 years. We have gotten better, but are still not efficient. The time delay from manufacture to shelf is far too slow. Slow equates to months instead of days or hours.

This is all well and good but what if we are the problem because we are in the way. There are a host (no pun intended) of companies/organizations that are much more capable of standardizing and publishing the data for consumption more efficiently than we are. Yes, I concede they have a great deal more money, staff, and likely brain power than I do. This is not a bad thing but it begs the question. How do I point, provide, enable the process and get out of the way.

A couple of us were just chatting and came to the conclusion many of you have already come too. If a company/organization uses the rich data and publishes in a format that can be consumed by all of the major GIS packages, then that is one less thing we have to do. Lets go find more data to feed the monster.

Next series of questions.
1) How do we feed the monster? Shapefile/geotiff and FTP? No one can argue the efficiency.
2) Do we continue to maintain all of the web services? The point at which the data is provided back from integrators as a web service in a manner that is consumed by major GIS packages the answer likely changes.
3) I'm at a loss but feel sure there is a 3rd, 4th, and so on.

So maybe we are quickly coming full circle? Its just a question. I am really interested in solving the reconciliation of deltas from all the various sources (Google, OSM, city, county, state) and feeding that data back out (city, county, state, ect). Bet someone has that figured out. Ping me if you do.

Monday, October 12, 2009

NSGIC Reps on Twitter

Following #NSGIC2009 several ask if there was a list of NSGIC state reps currently on Twitter. I am not aware of a list and doubt this will be comprehensive, but its a start. Tweet me @learondalby and I will add ya, apologies upfront if I neglected ya. I am sure there is an easier way to build this list, so someone share the knowledge.

National States Geographic Information Council- @nsgic
Alabama- @electicghia
Arkansas- @Arkansas_AGIO, @ShelbyDJohnson, @LearonDalby
California- @CAGIO
Colorado- @COGISCoord
Delaware- @DelawareGIS, @rockmanwss, @mmahaffie
Florida- @Florida_SERTGIS
Georgia- @DaniAyan
Indiana- @igic
Kansas- @ivan2mapu, 2kgsdasc
Missouri- @tonyspicci
North Dakota- @BobNutsch
Texas- @TNRIS
Utah- @BertAGRC
Wisconson- @Wiscmapper, @ajwrtly

About Me

Little Rock, Arkansas, United States